Learn How to Grow Your Email List, Business Network, and (Finally!) Profits too!

Get instant access to this online masterclass series with 20+ Experts who reveal virtual event strategies that (actually) work and how you can implement them to scale YOUR Business to:

  • Grow Your Email List

  • Build Your Professional Network

  • Accelerate Your Profits!

$47 NOW ONLY $17

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What is



And (honestly)... why should I check it out?

"Everyone's doing virtual events" - You may have attended or hosted virtual events in the past. Sure, in this virtual world the popularity of online events has risen exponentially.

Here's the thing.... The old methods of just "throwing it out there" with a zoom link don't attract your ideal clients. They probably haven't led to profits, either. It might have even cost you a bit with no ROI.

Even if you tried learning the "expert ways", many workshops and events are full of promise but deliver only sales pitches, hyped-up testimonials, or "meet'n'greets".

That's why ACCELERATE TO PROFITS WITH VIRTUAL EVENTS is different. The 20+ experts are not here just to inspire. Instead, we're showing you the real-deal best practices we and our clients use to scale online, with value-packed and actionable strategies to implement for your next virtual event.

Now is THE TIME to master the strategies to create your PROFITABLE Virtual Events that will grow your ideal client list, business network, and (finally!) profits too.

In this online series, each expert has prepared an actionable, power-packed masterclass to give you proven strategies to implement in your own business.

Get Instant Access To:

  • 27 Video Interviews

  • A private podcast with 27 audio interviews

  • Free Gifts from speakers

Experts You'll Meet & What You'll Learn:

Morgan Tierney

Virtual Event and Summit Trends to look out for

Amber Swenor

Allowing Authenticity to Fuel Your Business Strategy

Wendy Breakstone

Multiple Your Email List with the Magical Micro Audio Summit™

Kristen Miller

Grow A Profitable List: The 4 Step Profitable Lead Generation Funne

Elaine Williams

Build 4 Stages of Trust by Being Confident On Camera & In Your Life

Tara Reid

Attracting Warm Leads to YOUR Event Site Using SEO

Carla White

Make $1k In A Day Using Audio WITHOUT Launching A Podcast, Funne

Susan Trumpler

Getting to Yes Faster!

Andrea Hubbert

Stop Storytelling and start StorySelling!

Michelle Pontvert

Boost your event conversions through seamless customer journeys

Nikki Trailor

The secret to sales-boosting survey responses

Amy Lawson

Building Your Unique Brand with a Library of Consistent, Strategic Images

Kylie Clark

Frazzled to Freedom: Time Management To Prevent Burn Out For Entrepreneurs

Jenny Suneson + Lindsey Aleson

How to Host A Virtual Summit to Grow Your Audience

Claire Valiquette

Transmuting Tech Overwhelm in Virtual Events

Jackie - Interact Quiz

Convert browsers to buyers with an interact quiz

M. Shannon Hernandez

How to love on your (email) list

Ilene Klang

Building Your Business Beyond Social Media with a Strong Tech Strategy

DeNicea Hilton Harper

Your Practical and Playful Journey to Your Perfect Authentic Self

Meredith Allan

Your Time to SHINE: Share your dreams, make them happen

Paul Levitin

Breaking out of self-sabotage, and unlocking unlimited self-confidence, to unlock your profits

Alex Dumas

Play and W.I.N. - 3 Insights for Creating Powerful Clients

Dan Bennett (The Antipreneur)

The REAL Power of Video

Lee Midlane

Developing Your Confidence on Camera with play and ease

Andrea Luzon

4 Steps to Create Success And Be In Your Flow

Susan Young

How to Speak on Social Media So You Attract Dream Clients

Noreen Howard

Selling With A Leadership Mindset

Jessica McCarthy

How to speak publicly with confidence

Justyna Nielsen
Host of The Show

Accelerate To Profits With Virtual Events

As Seen Or Heard On:



Learn How to Grow Your Email List, Business Network, and (Finally!) Profits too!

$47 NOW ONLY $17

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